Internet of Things

Developing smart, custom IOT based products and applications is often a wall-to-wall job. We have a fully-functional multidisciplinary team to work with you for developing smart IOT based solutions for your business. All our development processes and strategies pivot around your business goals.

Custom-fitted IOT Solutions for Start-ups and Enterprises

We help start-ups as well as enterprises put in place calibrated IOT-enabled gadgets and applications. We also convert analogue products into digital through the agency of firmware, sensors and IOT platforms. We can create embedded as well as web and mobile enabled infrastructure for IOT products.

Our IOT Development Services

IoT hardware design
We make prototypes of smart IoT-enabled hardware with IoT sensors and boards. This fast-tracks our customers into testing their IoT concept. Once they are happy with the result we go for full-scale IoT hardware development.
IoT firmware integration
IoT firmware is typical to operating smart, connected devices. We develop and embed software and firmware for microcontrollers, gateways, processors, sensors etc., for a raft of IoT and M2M devices.
Mobile apps for IoT devices
We can build native as well as cross-platform mobile apps for IoT device. These apps act as remote control for IoT devices as well as facilitate accessing the data captured by your IoT devices.
Web apps for IoT devices
We fashion futuristic web apps that can transfer data from and to an IoT device. You can also control and monitor IoT devices from remote locations using these web apps. You can use these apps to review the activity of a specific device.
Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) technologies
ETL is integral to IoT since it helps in optimising IoT data, quickly and cost effectively. We know that Data Analytics is the ultimate goal of IoT. So, we have a hand with our customers to develop ETL technologies.
IoT Dashboard
We help our customers analyse data captured from IoT-enabled devices using business intelligence tools. We also help them configure IoT devices and manage IoT systems both remotely notwithstanding onsite supported by responsive dashboards.

Bespoke IoT For All Industry Verticals

We develop IoT solutions for all industry verticals like logistics, healthcare, retail, agriculture, manufacturing etc. We have the craft to design bespoke IoT hardware and software as well as embedded firmware for controlling IoT devices in various industries. We provide the whole hog of services from product conceptualization to IoT development.