Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a tool enterprises build on to create cost effective and cost efficient, future-ready work environments. We come with new wave equipment for rigging up cloud computing in enterprises and startups. We double-check that enterprise data is confidential even in the cloud.

Portfolio of Custom Cloud Computing

We offer the whole gamut, Application Software as a Service (SaaS), Developer Tool Platform as a Service (Paas) as well as Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS). This bouquet of our services is designed keeping in view the raft of enterprise requirements and sizes.

With our Developer Tool Platform as a Service you are cranked up to developing business applications and run them on the cloud. This is music to the ears of business managers for it gives them greater control on various aspects of business while bringing down the overheads and the costs.
There is no denying that cloud started with SaaS and we are continuing with that tradition by offering SaaS to both big and small enterprises and startups. We manage the entire technology stack from networking, storage, servers, virtualization services, operating systems, middleware, runtime, to data and the application so unburdening you from the redundant tasks.
This model is well-timed for both start-ups and established business houses who don’t want to be caught up with storage, computer systems, load balancers, firewalls, network devices etc. A proactive, 24×7 monitoring of client’s critical business and database platforms we establish an ecosystem where problems are addressed even before they occur.
Ease of data management
Cloud data management is our forte. Our service is backed by easy access from any location and device along with automated backup. We adapt to all the best practices for a fluid and scalable data management in cloud.
Confidentiality of data
We understand that there are prying eyes for your data and they are in the lookout for the data queries generated every second or millisecond. We take pride in comprehensively protecting your data from these entities.
Customer support
Proper and prompt customer support is the bedrock of cloud computing, and we understand that. We take pride in offering 100% customer support for any of your problems at any time of the day.

Custom Cloud App Development

Enterprises need futuristic cloud applications cut out for their real requirements. We have the tools and technology on hand to identify on ground requirements of a business entity and develop an app which is tailor-made for their unique set up. We use the Agile methodology best practices, divide projects in sprints, and hasten up necessary iterations to avoid complexities arising out of the need for redevelopment. We use Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment practices (CI & CD) to automate the deployments.